Time to Plant Bluebonnets!
Did you know RIGHT NOW is the perfect time to plant Texas bluebonnets? It's true!
The official...
Tree Pruning
Since pruning is a very broad subject, the Martha’s Bloomer’s staff will address some aspects of ...
General Care
Established roses need regular care. The following suggestions are handy for roses t...
Potting Mixes
Bark Mulch
Processed Bark Mulch helps hold moisture, control weeds, prevent erosion, and act as a...
Nature has forever been mulching the earth with dead grass and leaves, fallen limbs and trees, an...
Lucky Bamboo History and Meaning
In Chinese, Feng Shui is known as "Fu Gwey Zhu". Fu means Wealth, Riches; Gwey means Power, Honor...
Herb Vinegars
Herbal vinegars are one of the great ways to use and enjoy many easily grown herbs. They are usef...
Herbs for Cooking
Although often suggested for winter garden, parsely will grow through the summer if given...
Feng Shui
Feng Shui is a powerful techniques based on the principles of time-honored Chinese art and scienc...
Disappearing Fountains
A Disappearing Fountain is a great way to add the sound of water to your garden! You can create t...
Disappearing Water Fountain Installation
A Disappearing Fountain is a great way to add the sound and movement of water to your garden! Wa...
Disappearing Water Fountain
A Disappearing Fountain is a great way to add the sound and movement of water to your garden! Wat...
Crape Myrtle Care
Summer in Texas would not be complete without the abundance of crape myrtle flowers now beginning...
Container Grown Trees Planting Instructions
For the full article, please click the link below.
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Container Gardening
Even the smallest patio or porch can boast flowers in containers. Planter boxes, wooden barrels, ...
Christmas Cactus
We typically think of cacti as being heat tolerant, but Christmas cacti will keep their blossoms ...
Butterfly Garden Plants
Nectar Plants
Chinaberry (Buddleia)
Chaste Tree (Vitex)
Black Cherry
Mexican Plum
Butterfly Garden
Butterflies feed at puddles or low spots that stay moist such as the edge of a pond fountain. You...
Bulbs Spring Planting
Bulbs can be planted in beds, in rock gardens, in groundcovers or under trees and shrubs. Most sp...
Bog Filter Really Works
I have been an active aquatic hobbyist for over twenty years. In fact, my hobby has taken me from...
Berries, Pecan and Fruit Trees
All self-pollinate
1. Celeste One of the best for our area. Pink flesh, medium fruit. Closed...
Planting a Tree
Select a site in full sun. Dig the hole twice as wide as the root ball (container) and no deeper...
Beds & Breakfast
Getting Started --site selection (drainage, existing soil, sun exposure, pH) --soil amendments (m...
Attracting Birds to Your Property
Enjoy our feathered neighbors in your yard! You will appreciate and enjoy their presence and be r...